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Generating Reports

Generating Reports

Publicado el
Published on
September 6, 2023
Actualizado en
Updated on
December 21, 2023


The Reporting Area in Cashflow is not just another section within the platform; it is the core that enables you to effectively assess your business's performance. It acts as a thermometer, allowing you to measure and analyze your company's operational and financial performance in a detailed and structured manner.

In this space, every facet of your company is represented through reports. Whether you are seeking information on your daily sales, monthly expenses, or annual balance, Cashflow provides a complete overview.

Report Categories

  1. Operational
    These reports provide information on the daily and strategic activities that keep your business running. From sales and purchases to inventory and logistics, you can understand how daily operations flow.
  2. Accounting
    This category focuses on the numbers that reflect your business's financial health. Whether it's the income statement, balance sheet, or cash flows, these reports help you understand where your business stands from a financial perspective.
  3. Tax
    Essential for companies looking to stay in compliance with tax regulations. These reports provide details on tax obligations, making tax planning and filing easier.

2. Navigating the Reports Area

The Reports area is intuitively structured, divided into specific categories and a list of reports to facilitate your search and access:

  1. Filters by Area on the Left Panel
    Here, you can select the category of reports you want to view. By selecting a category, you will only see reports related to that particular area. If you want to view all reports again, simply select the "Show all" option.
  2. Main Report List
    This space displays all the reports available in the system. It also features a handy search field, allowing you to quickly find the report you're looking for by entering keywords or the report's name.
  3. Accessing Reports
    Once you find the report you want to view, you can access it in two ways: 1) click directly on the report's name or 2) use the actions menu (three horizontal dots) and click on Generate.

Next, we will explore how to generate and print reports from the system.

3. Generating Reports

The process of generating reports in Cashflow is designed to allow you to obtain detailed and customized information according to your needs with just a few steps. Here's how to do it:

  1. Select Your Report
    From the list of reports, simply click on the one you want to generate.
  2. Set Your Filters
    Once you are on the selected report, you will see various filter fields. These allow you to customize and narrow down the information the report will display. Adjust these fields according to what you need to know.
  3. Generate the Report
    After setting your filters, click the "Generate" button to obtain your customized report.
  4. Print
    Once you have obtained the result of your report, on the left side of the screen, you will see several options for exporting the report (Excel or PDF), printing, or sending it by email.

It's important to remember that each report has its specific filters designed to fit the nature of the information you are querying. This way, you always have the necessary tools to obtain accurate and useful data.

4. Accounting Report Options

Accounting reports offer a range of tools and options to customize the information you want to see. These include:

  • Cumulative or Comparative
    You can choose to display the report in a cumulative format, which will add up amounts over a period, or comparative, where you can contrast different periods.
  • Display Options
    Depending on your needs, you can include sub-ledgers, account numbers, and highlight differences. Additionally, if you prefer a cleaner view, you can choose to exclude closing entries.
  • Level of Detail in the Report (Detailed Exploration)
    When viewing the report, you have the flexibility to expand or collapse accounts. This allows you to see a summary with only totals or delve into specific details for each accounting account.

Printing and Sharing Options

Once you've generated the desired report in Cashflow, you not only have the option to view it but also to share it and keep a physical or digital record. Here's how to do it:

  1. View the Options
    In the generated report result, go to the left side of the screen. Here, you'll find various options related to handling your report.
  2. Export the Report
    If you want a digital copy of your report for storage or sharing through other means, simply choose the export option (settings icon). Here, you can find options to export in Preview (Web), PDF, Excel, or Word formats.
  3. Print the Report
    If you need a physical copy, you can select the print option. Make sure your printer is set up and connected correctly.
  4. Send by Email
    Need to share this report with a colleague, accountant, or partner? Use the email option. Enter the recipient's email address, add a message if necessary, and send the report directly from the platform.

Customizing Reports

The report builder feature provides functionalities to customize reports. This allows you to modify a report to suit the specific needs of your business.

To modify a report, follow these steps:

  1. In the list of reports, find the report you want to customize.
  2. Click on the actions menu (three horizontal dots) and then click on Edit.
  3. In the Report Builder screen, make the desired changes.
  4. For more information on how to work with the builder, read this article: Report Builder.
  5. Click Apply to save the changes.

Tips & Best Practices

The reports area is a powerful tool for your business, and to make the most of it, it's essential to know some tips and best practices:

  1. Design a Report Plan
    Determine how often you need each type of report (daily, weekly, monthly). This helps you maintain an up-to-date view of your business. Also, establish which individuals within your organization need access to specific reports. Not all reports are relevant to every role.
  2. Effective Filters
    Before generating a report, have a clear idea of the information you're seeking. Use filters strategically to obtain precise data.
  3. Periodic Verification
    It's advisable to review and update your reports periodically to ensure they reflect the current state of your business.
  4. Utilize Advanced Options
    Familiarize yourself with the advanced options available in accounting reports. Adapting the report to your specific needs can provide valuable insights.
  5. Share Reportes with Your Team
    Share relevant reports with your team. This promotes transparency and ensures everyone is aligned with the company's objectives and current situation. Use the email option to keep stakeholders informed.
  6. Continuous Training
    Make sure you and your team are trained in using the reports area. A good understanding of the available tools can make a difference in decision-making.
  7. Customize to Your Needs
    If you have the report builder module, take the time to adapt and customize reports to your business's specifics. A tailored view of your data is always more useful.
  8. Stay Informed
    Cashflow may add or enhance features in the reports area. Staying updated with these changes allows you to make the most of the tool.
  9. Feedback is Growth
    If you feel that a particular report or functionality is missing or have suggestions, don't hesitate to communicate it. Your feedback can help improve the platform for all users.

By following these tips and best practices, you'll not only maximize the potential of the reports area but also make more informed and effective decisions for the growth and success of your business.

Common Issues

Generating reports in Cashflow is crucial to gain a clear and accurate view of your business's performance. However, as with any powerful tool, challenges and problems can arise along the way. Here are some of the most common issues users face and how you can address them to make the most of the reports area.

  1. Reports Showing No Data
    Sometimes, after selecting and generating a report, it may appear empty or without the expected data. Ensure that you have configured the filters correctly and that there are data within the selected date range or categories.
  2. Difficulty Finding a Specific Report
    With so many reports available, it can be challenging to quickly find the one you need. Use the search field in the central list of reports. Enter keywords or the exact name of the report to filter the results.
  3. Errors When Exporting the Report
    When attempting to export the report in formats like PDF, Excel, or Word, the file may not download or may present errors. Check your internet connection and ensure that there are no active pop-up blockers. If the issue persists, try exporting in a different format.
  4. Incorrect Filter Settings
    The data displayed in the report doesn't match expectations due to incorrect filter settings. Review and make sure you have selected the correct filters before generating the report. If you're unsure about which filter to use, consult the documentation or seek help from an experienced colleague.
  5. Issues When Sending Reports via Email
    When trying to send a report via email, it may not be sent, or the recipient doesn't receive it. Verify that the entered email address is correct and free of typographical errors. Also, ensure that Cashflow's email server is functioning correctly, and ask the recipient to check their spam or junk folder.
  6. Difficulties When Customizing Reports with the Report Builder
    When attempting to modify or customize a report using the Report Builder, you may struggle to make the desired changes. The Report Builder requires a certain level of knowledge for effective use. Consult the specific guide or tutorial on the Report Builder. If the issue persists, consider attending training or a workshop on its use.

These are just some common problems that users may face. If you encounter an issue not on this list, it's always a good idea to consult the documentation or contact technical support for assistance.